Presentation of the Sisters

The congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary was founded by the Blessed Mother Mary of the Passion. It is an international congregation dedicated to the universal mission.
The first group of Sisters arrived in Dakar in March 1948, called to serve the patients of the Main Hospital.
In January 1949, at the request of the Muslim religious leader in Dakar, Serigne El Hadj Seydou Nourou Tall, a second group of Sisters was included in African Central Hospital, today called Aristide Le Dantec Hospital and CHU.
About la Pouponnière
The main objective was to complete the work overload of hospital services which they were not able to perform.
Because children treated for malnutrition, Kwashiorkor and denutrition are forced to leave prematurely from the hospitals, Pouponnière was looking for the deal to consolidate and intensify the treatment started in hospital.
Soon after came a more urgent need than the previous one: to welcome the newborn whose mother has just died. This situation often makes it more difficult child survival
We need your help
Bankia CCC:
2038 1034 91 6000750381
I.B.A.N (International Bank Account Number)
ES95 2038 1034 9160 0075 0381
BIC (Bank Identifier Code) de Bankia:
- The precarious means of hygiene.
- Material and financial difficulties inherent in feeding a newborn
- Taboos and customs that are not in favor of child survival
To keep these home and help these babies WE NEED YOUR HELP AND COLLABORATION to pay staff, maintain the house (water, electricity, gas), food for babies, pharmaceuticals and other necessary expenses.
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